Why linen slings are perfect for spring

Spring is just around the corner and many parents are looking for a comfortable way [...]

The most beautiful thing about babywearing is

There is nothing more important for a baby than closeness and attention from its caregivers. [...]

Positive effects of babywearing

It is important for parents to cuddle and carry their baby, as physical contact gives [...]

Slings made of hemp are good for health

Tragetücher aus Hanf sind nicht nur langlebig und umweltfreundlich, sondern auch besonders hautfreundlich. Wenn du [...]

Slings for the summer – 4 cooling fabric types

In the summer, it is important that your baby does not get too warm and [...]

Slings made from hemp – Why they are the perfect choice

Slings made of hemp are a popular choice for parents who want to carry their [...]

3 Ways to carry children for life

As parents, our lives are forever changed the moment our children enter the world. Our [...]

Breastfeeding in the Ring Sling – How to breastfeed with the carrier

For many moms, breastfeeding is an important part of their baby’s early years. Ring slings [...]

The advantages of slings over baby carriers

Slings and baby carriers are popular ways to carry your baby close to your body [...]

Slings in winter – carrying babies warmly

Slings and Ring Slings are especially popular in the summer. But also in winter they [...]

11 good reasons for babywearing in a sling

Slings and ring slings offer a variety of benefits for parents and babies. Here are [...]

Our Jacquard Weave

With our cotton jacquard weaving, the patterns, symbols and pictures were woven directly into the [...]

Colored Slings with plant dye

Plant dyed slings and ring slings are very special. Dyeing fabrics requires a lot of [...]

How we create a custom baby sling

your customized baby sling On this page, you get an overview on how you get [...]

Linen: Advantages of baby slings or ring slings

More and more parents, both men and women, are opting for sustainable and natural methods [...]

Founding of mariblum – Babywearing

How the babywearing sling came about Hello, we are Nicole and Hagen from mariblum, and [...]

About babywearing

Cuddeling newborn baby Cuddling is very important for your newborn baby, because the body contact [...]

About mariblum babywearing Slings

Unique Slings… Our mariblum slings are made from 100% hemp, which has been grown organically [...]

Benefits of Hemp

Hemp is a long-fibred plant with a low elasticity. This makes even thin hemp slings [...]