mariblum business – the Affiliate-Marketing-Programme by mariblum

Welcome to our Affiliate-Marketing-Programme. Our programme helps babywearing consulants, Influencers, Content Creators and Publishers to be part on the success of naturally and sustainable babywearing products. Affiliates use our easy link-building tools to direct their audience to products they recommend, and earn from qualifying purchases.

We currently only offer the partner program to babywearing consulants
who have one of our slings or ring slings in their assortment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Affiliate Programme work?

You can share our products with your audience through customised linking tools and earn money on qualifying purchases.
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How do I qualify for this programme?

Babywearing consultants, bloggers, influencers, publisher and content creator with an website or channel can be part of the programme.
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How do I earn in this programme?

You earn from qualifying purchases through the traffic you drive to mariblum. Earn 10% commission for qualified purchases.
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How do I sign up to be an affiliate?

Sign up here to be part of the programme.

We will check your registration. You will be accepted and partner if you meet the criteria.
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