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Slings in winter – carrying babies warmly
Slings and Ring Slings are especially popular in the summer. But also in winter they are the perfect companion for you and your baby. To make sure, that you and your baby are comfortable, you can follow these tips.
1. Choose the right material: In winter, slings made of a warmer material, such as cotton, hemp or linen, are suitable. These materials will keep your baby warm without overheating too much.
2. Use a carrying jacket: These jackets are specially made for babywearing, so that you can carry your baby directly on your body on cold days and still close the jacket. They keep you and your baby cosy and warm. They also come in a variety of materials. A special highlight is, that you have the possibility to wear your child in the front or in the back of your body.
3. Apply the onion look: To keep your baby nice and warm in your sling or ring sling even in winter, it’s important to apply the “onion technique”. This means, that you don’t just put one thick layer on your baby, but many thin layers. The heat generated between the layers ensures that your baby stays cosy and warm. The same goes for you, of course.
4. Use only natural materials for your clothes: When you use materials like linen, hemp or wool for you and your baby, you can be sure that you are preventing overheating and sweating through. This is because these materials are moisture and temperature regulating.
5. If your toddler starts to walk, you can also use your sling or Ring Sling perfectly as a scarf.
Overall, the sling can be a comfortable and practical way to carry your baby in the winter. However, it is important to choose the right material and an onion look.