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Babywearing News
Breastfeeding in the Ring Sling – How to breastfeed with the carrier
For many moms, breastfeeding is an important part of their baby’s early years. Ring slings are a comfortable and convenient way to carry your baby while breastfeeding.
They allow you to keep your baby close and nurse comfortably while keeping your hands free to do other things. It’s also a convenient option if you’re a bit of in a hurry and want to nurse your baby safely while standing up.
The easiest way to use a ring sling for breastfeeding is to breastfeed your baby in a front carry position. To do this, place your baby in front of your body, hold your baby firmly and loosen the sling by gently pulling it through the rings. Your baby will then slowly slide down a little. When your baby has reached the right position, you can start breastfeeding.
Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work right away. Some things take a little practice. Also, make sure your Ring Sling is on properly and that your baby is secure in the RingSling. If you do not want to be watched while breastfeeding, you can use the remaining sling, that is still in the rings, as a privacy shield.
If you are still unsure, a well-trained babywearing or breastfeeding counsellor will certainly be able to help you.