- Body bambino "Strisce nel cielo" 14,95 €
- Body bambino Magia floreale 14,95 €
- "Piccolo Universo" - Foulard 34,95 €
- Fogliame (Loop)
Ambasciatori del marchio
Ciao, sono Eleonora, vivo in Germania e ho una bimba di 3 anni e mezzo.
sono Eleonora, vivo in Germania e ho una bimba di 3 anni e mezzo. Ho iniziato a portarla quando ero ancora incinta e il portare ci ha aperto un mondo! Per me, come mamma ipovedente, un mondo di competenza, un modo per poterla sentire, capire, aiutare e, naturalmente, trasportare. Per noi come famiglia è stato uno dei punti di partenza per rendere la nostra vita ancora più sostenibile. Per me come donna, un mondo lavorativo completamente nuovo!
Sono diventata consulente del portare poco dopo la sua nascita. A questo si sono aggiunti i pannolini lavabili e lo svezzamento (autosvezzamento e non). In Germania (a Brema), offro consulenze ai neogenitori per aiutarli a trovare insieme la strada per una genitorialità a loro misura.
Insieme a Claudio, mio marito, scriviamo un blog, che affronta tutti questi temi e molto altro. È nato per parlare di disabilità e maternità, ma ora ci si possono trovare anche interviste ad esperti, suggerimenti di viaggi con i più piccoli, recensioni…
Hi, I am Dimitra, a 37 year old babywearing mama of a toddler, waiting for my second miracle in August.
I have a Bsc in Physical Education and a postgraduate specialization in Special Education. After that and as I always loved working with babies and young children I decided to take on some specialized certifications and trainings related to baby massage, baby swimming, kids yoga, pre and post natal exercise but also lately babywearing consultancy and parent coaching.
I am passionate about babywearing because it makes my life easier and offers me the opportunity to do a lot of things together with my baby. I also love all the things you cannot see at first but are happening miraculously in front of your eyes, like the promotion of the emotional bonding between parent and baby, the baby’s feeling of security and the parents satisfaction of succeeding in their parental role.
I offer parenting education such as parent coaching and babywearing consulting services. I also own the parenting blog Boho Sapiens Mama, that I am always trying to find time to share everything I have in my mind but that’s parenting!
You can find me on Facebook as @Dimitra Papaioannou, on instagram as @senioritamimi and my page’s Facebook and instagram are Bohosapiensmama, come by to say Hi!
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Hallo, ich bin Tatjana – dreifach Mama und Trageberaterin in Österreich. Ich habe bereits mein erstes Kind getragen – ganz intuitiv und selbstverständlich. Erst beim zweiten habe ich mich damit mehr befasst und dann auch den Entschluss getroffen, den Weg als Trageberaterin zu gehen. Seitdem begleite ich Familien auch zu den Themen Stoffwindeln, Babymassage und seit kurzem auch zu ganzheitlichen Babyschlaf.
In meinem Onlineshop, den ich im Mai 2021 eröffnet habe, kannst du Stoffwindeln, Tragetücher und Tragehilfen, Mietpakete, nachhaltige Kindermode und fair produziertes, schadstofffreies Spielzeug für dein Kind shoppen. Meine (Online-)Beratungen runden mein Komplett-Angebot perfekt ab!
Auf meinen Social-Media Kanälen erfährst du alles zum Tragen, Stoffwindeln, Babymassage, Babyschlaf und Geschichten aus dem Mama-Alltag. Vor allem, wie du dir diesen erleichtern kannst und du es schaffst, dich vom Mental Load in deiner Familie zu befreien. Auf meinem Blog erhältst du spannende Infos, fachliches Wissen und immer eine Anregung zum nachdenken.
Was mir wichtig ist? Jede Familie individuell zu begleiten – auch wenn die finanziellen Mitteln nicht vorhanden sind oder die Eltern eine sehr schwierige Zeit durchmachen, die Begleitung zu Arztterminen usw. Denn du liegst mir am Herzen – individuell, ganzheitlich und mit einem großen Erfahrungsschatz begleite ich dich ein Stückchen im Leben mit deinem Baby.
My name is Annah, I am currently a porterage instructor in training to become a sophrologist / perinatal companion. Following the birth of my first daughter Lilie-Jade, my life goals have completely changed, I started to reconvert it little by little since 2019. I hope to settle down at the end of 2022 in order to be able to support the parents in their parental journey. .
I first turned to babywearing after having discovered it for my daughter at the start out of necessity, having had a very complicated childbirth physically, I could not carry my baby a lot in arm so babywearing saved our bond. Since then it has become a passion, I have tested pretty weaving, new models, new brands. One of my most beautiful discoveries in 2021 is Mariblum, combining the beauty of flowers, dyes, naturalness respectful of the environment and the portage I am personally won over.